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Literary Charities to Donate to in 2020

Posted by Sarah Stevenson on 5th Jan 2020

Literary Charities to Donate to in 2020

The gift of giving is a wonderful experience and can grow communities and minds. Little do some people know that literary charities can be part of that giving! Focusing on literacy, budding writers, book supplies, and more, literary charities offer a wide scope of aid to people all over the world. Just donating a dollar can make a difference. Here at Echo-Lit we have compiled a list of literary charities to support in 2020. 

 Girls Write Now 

Geared to help underserved young women in their writing pursuits, Girls Write Now pairs up professional writers with students to mentor and nurture their inner writer. This organization provides a space for a diverse set of students to boost their confidence and share their stories. Girls Write Now is empirically backed at aiding girls in their college pursuits, assisting in the creation of competitive portfolios, and helping them apply for scholarships and awards. Recognized three times by the White House for two decades of work, Girls Write Now is a wonderful program that needs your help in securing bright futures! 

Inside Out Writers

Inside Out Writers is a youth development group focused on providing a wide range of services to reduce recidivism in children and young adults. Inside Out Writers recognizes the power of providing a positive tool like writing to boost confidence and garner transformation. This organization also works to provide social services, community events, field trips, and counseling services for the underserved youth and young adults in juvenile detention centers. Serving 25,000 youth since 1996, Inside Out Writers also maintains an Alumni Program for participants to continue their writing journeys.  

Reach Out and Read

Reach Out and Read is a national network that provides training, resources, and support to families visiting the pediatrician office. They help combine reading with visits to the doctor and educate parents on the benefits of daily reading to children. Backing their program with empirical studies, children who participate in the early reading program score months above their peers in literacy. They also provide books that promote a healthy childhood and lifestyle. With 6,400 participating sites, you may have already come across a Reach Out and Read program. 

Little Free Library

Little Free Library is an awesome initiative bringing give-and-take library boxes to neighborhoods all over the nation. Perhaps you or a friend have already participated in your local library box! Little Free Library not only has boxes available for purchase, but the profits helps aid their charitable programs. The Impact Library Program carefully selects communities to receive free library boxes to promote literacy and neighborhood wellness. The Action Book Club is a program dedicated to combining the written word with community service activities. You can even initiate these programs in your own town! Little Free Library works with trusted stewards that care for and maintain the Little Free Library in your area. Check out their Little Free Library Map to find the library box closest to you! 

World Reader

World Reader is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing digital reading materials to people across the globe. Combining technology with literacy, World Reader utilizes four major programs to supply reading materials over a lifetime. From training services to supplies to technological tools, World Reader allows donors to sponsor schools, book collections, and more. So far, they have reached over 10 million readers worldwide! Donate today and give back to the world.